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The Weekly InSalt

Aug 31, 2022

Fresh from Seattle, Faires joins us this week to get into some deep, interesting and philosophical topics. We explore alternative therapies and why they might be controversial. Astral projection and lucid dreaming. Reincarnation. This a fun and profound episode that will make you all think a little.

Aug 24, 2022

Leah is a wildly popular TikTok influencer that showcases the best food and eateries in Utah. You get four chubby dudes in a room, talking about food, and you will get a good podcast. Tune into the newest episode of TWIS for all of the great food recommendations and suggestions for Salt Lake’s best dining experiences...

Aug 17, 2022

We are living in interesting times these days, so Brandi and Carlee help us navigate the process of buying a home and taking out a loan. The Loaner Ladies have bubbly and fun personalities that guide you through the methodical operations of the home buying experience on their YouTube channel. Stay tuned for some fun...

Aug 3, 2022

It’s our first show as The InSalt and we have some great fun with our colleagues to volley about the fun of podcasting. This episode is filled with quick-witted banter and sharing stories of what’s happening today. We want you to continue to enjoy the candid and unabashed show that highlights the most interesting...