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The Weekly InSalt

Jun 29, 2022

We are joined this week by DJ Bolerjack, a return guest and sports and food enthusiast. This hour is full of us catching up on the latest in summer fun, in and out of the home. DJ is respected in the media community and we thouroughly enjoyed bending his brain on a variety of topics to make you think and laugh for the...

Jun 22, 2022

Chris Newhart joins us this week to talk about his boba restaurants including his newest location on an Air Force base in New Mexico. Air Force + New Mexico = a very interesting conversation about Chris’s experiences with UFO’s and The Skinwalker Ranch. Check out his restaurant Irie’s Place and his production...

Jun 15, 2022

This episode starts out wild with the boys all razzing each other and pushing the boundaries but there is an incredible message that comes through with our guest this week. Pat Busse is a survivor of addiction and shares some incredible stories of his life as a prisoner of dependence.

Jun 8, 2022

We created this podcast with weird tastes and smells, we will end it in weird tastes and smells. Hence, the food competetion. Dear friends of the show made some spectacular dishes today and we can't wait to see what everything tastes like. Tune in to find out who wins.

Voicemail/Text: 801-252-6069

Jun 1, 2022

An all time favorite guest is back! Nate Ure joins us to talk about the world of Onewheel and use his new purchase to smoke different whiskies and explore what other uses it might have. He also eats jelly beans.

Voicemail/Text: 801-252-6069